Agricultural Products

Growforce® Agri-Max

Growforce Agri-Max




•   Especially designed for foliar and/or fertigation application in most crops to boost growth

•   Contains balanced ratios of key major nutrients to optimize growth especially after stress

•   Agri-Max is armed with carefully controlled ratios of EDTA chelated trace elements in agronomic balance with the major nutrients. Unlike starters, Agri-Max delivers the amount of micronutrients essential for mid to later stages of crop growth.

•   Ideal for legumes especially before peak nodulation to support initial growth

•   Completely miscible with irrigation water and plant available delivering the required amount of nutrients with low application rates

•   Contains balanced nutrients to enhance nutrient uptake and improve plant vigor

•   Agri-Max is fortified with soluble humic acids to improve water holding capacity of soils

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