Agricultural Products

Growforce® ZnMoPlus

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Benefits of Growforce Zn/Mo Plus

•Promotes larger and more vigorous root systems that lead to greater plant growth

• The zinc in Growforce Zn/Mo Plus also promotes the production of growth hormones (auxins) and acts synergistically with the seaweed extract

•Chelated zinc source means all the zinc is plant available and does not get locked up in the soil

•Ideal for stimulating early growth in all crops

• As soil calcium can only be taken up by new root tips, Growforce Zn/Mo Plus new root growth facilitating uptake of calcium

• Natural plant hormones encourage strong cell development, slow senescence and help crops recover from stress situations

•Improved plant health enhances resistance to nematodes and other pest and fungal diseases

•Completely plant available

• Can be applied with a wide range of other agricultural chemicals, reducing the number of spray applications needed.

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